This is my first time not being mobile in a few days so will be doing an all over update and share.
Lets first start with the swallow study.
Every morning we wake up and eat breakfast/get ready for the day. Of course even though hubby and I did not eat in front of LM he was not thrilled with the inability to eat since it was eat time. After he was all ready to go he spent the last 15min playing outside to distract him. We headed up to the children's hospital which had some great distractions for him:

We checked in, went to radiology, checked in fully there. We waited in the play room where LM very much enjoyed that they had a couple of fire trucks. A speech something or other came in and said she was going to be doing the testing. I am so thankful that she was extremely understanding of his HUGE fear of X-ray machines. I told her last time he had a swallow study done it was to see about reflux and he had to have a tube put down his nose. She said we try to avoid that here. He would not take if from his cup and would not sit still in the seat they had. She told me if I wanted to hold him I could. So I got up in the bigger seat (once the little high chair seat was removed) and held him. He still would not drink from his cup. She then said we syringe feed it to him. So she got out a syringe and handed it to Jason (I was SO excited that both of us could go in, it makes it less stressful). He took to no problem in the syringe. Even I knew something did not look right when he was swallowing. He is swallowing too deep and the liquid almost goes past his vocal cords and into his wind pipe. She then did nectar thick and he did better, so now we have to get thikener stuff for his water and other fluids. I asked about breastfeeding and she said that he should be fine with it since he did not actually aspirate when doing the test and they can not test while he breastfeeds. I have always noticed he makes a gulping sound when drinking from a cup and wondered why. Now I know, he was very close to aspirating every time. That is scary to think about. He does not gulp when breastfeeding, which is really good. We got a sheet with a list of ways to mix his fluids like apple sauce, yogurt, and we were told not to do the nectar simply thick gel since he was born early and many who are born early have had complications with it. Thankfully on the way out he forgot about the torture with these distractions:

When we got home we tried apple sauce in his water. First, it will not even go through his cup and second he was not a fan of the textures at all. I did not try yogurt in his water figuring that would be a little weird, so 10 dollars latter we have a can of thickener to add to his water. Friday we hung out with one nana and his aunt TeTe. There was a beautiful thunderstorm on the way home and I really wished we had the camera with to take pictures. My cell had to just do the job.
Saturday we went to a union picnic and had loads of fun in the sun:
Josiah with one of his aunts and an uncle and cousin in background |
Check out that throw |
Pushing the car |
Curious |
Watching the swans |
Elmo Hat |
Climbing the rock with some help |
Enjoying a seat on the rock |
Another look at Elmo hat |
All Smiles in the bounce house |
In bounce house with mommy |
Fishy! |
Not happy waiting |
Looking from a different perspective |
Play Golf |
After the picnic we went to his other nana's and papa's and went swimming. He enjoyed swimming in the outdoor pool this time since it was nice and warm. He played, went on walks, and then we headed home. Oh forgot to add that both Sat and this morning I took off his diaper and had him sit on his little potty and guess what both times he went pee in it! Love my cloth diapers, but using the bathroom is a pretty good option too. He also was willing to drink ensure with extra protein!
Over the weekend I sent a message to someone off of one of the other autism pages who stated they were from Grand Rapids, MI too. Well it soon turned into a group chat of a bunch of women from the area. Then I was thinking. Why not have a FB group dedicated to GR mom's with children who have autism, so I created the group and now we have one!
Oh and the local news came by the pool when LM and I were there and we ended up on the news. Sadly not when he was swimming though. Not us talking just us it is somewhere around 1:30 in the video.
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