Through the place not diagnosing him and knowing how far behind he really was, I went through some tough times. At 17 months he had the evaluation and he was: 13-15.5m for thinking learning and play; 5-5.7m for speech and language; 10-11.5m for relating to parents, self and others; 5-5.7m for emotions and feelings; 13-15.5m for self help and coping skills; 8.5-10m for fine motor; and 11.5-13m for gross motor. Almost everything he was more than half of his age. I started wondering where I went wrong, what did I do wrong, why me, why my child. I was going to school for Early Childhood Education and could teach other kids skills, but not my own. My child was behind and by a lot. He might have autism. Why me? I did everything that you were supposed to and nothing you were not supposed to during pregnancy and I have know people to drink and smoke and all kinds of things and their children turned out perfect to be perfect health. We had already dealt with so many health issues his first year of like I was kind of just hoping that instead of him having the delays because of autism that he was behind because of all the health issues and being born early. I honestly did not trust my ability to take care of a child with special needs. I had done all sorts of thing with children, but I was not confident in the area of Special needs. I talked to a wise friend of mine about how I was feeling a why me moment and I did not really want to be there, but just needed some venting and she shared with me a really good video that helped me a lot.
After reading the book I made the decision I was going to stay at acceptance as long as and as much as I could. I was also going to live in the here and now. Not in the past on what I might have done wrong or what I missed out on or on the future which is never guaranteed anyways. By focusing on the now and not worrying about the future or past it did several things. First, I was honoring God more: I was trusting our future to him and I had also actually accepted that even if my son was not going to be higher functioning in society that he would still be a part of God's family and in a way I dedicated his life to him. I was also able to honor him by trusting him more, it was not what I did or what I learned that has helped us get to where we are now or where we will be in the future. He is our guide. Second, I was able to focus more on what my son is doing now, what is going on now, and the little accomplishments most parents do not give much attention to, I was able to notice and love them all. Focusing on the now has made me a better mother.
I have always know that autism was not the end of the world; however embracing the new world was a hard and scary experience that has taken a lot of faith/trust, but embracing it has been so wonderful. I have embraced it so much now that if there was a magic pill to take away his autism, I just would not do it. To me so much of him that makes him, who he is today and which made me, who I am today is mainly thanks to his autism. Yup, I said thanks to, it has opened my eyes and changed me; It has made me a better, more patient, and more understanding person (because of course patients comes from understanding in most cases). I know that through whatever it is that Josiah will go through in life it will help to make him who he will be, both the good and bad. Also, that with me accepting him fully, autism and all and not wishing there was a magic pill, he too will be be more able to accept himself fully for who he is. I will do what I can to help him learn and to help him cope with things and to learn how to deal with the world around him, but I am not trying to change him.
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