Will start with yay!This semester is almost over with. We have a group presentation, for our group project that has been going on the whole semester, this Thursday with this comes a class, self and group assessment. Then the following week after that we have a group paper that will be 4-6 pages long and a individual paper that only needs to be a page long. I am so happy this class is almost done. First paper I did for it I got a 68% and still had an A in the class over all but feared I would get the same on my other two(then supposed to be three) papers that I had left until the end of the semester that were to be written the same way. I got one of the two papers back and got a 90% on it which makes me much happier. I am even more excited(besides thinking of buying books-one of which is 95$) about next semester. I will be taking my degree needed young children with special needs class and a photography class. I am excited about the classes but not so thrilled that I have to get up so early two days of the week for a whole semester. I have done this before with a summer class, but they do not last as long as a regular semester class. For the summer class it also was the only class I was taking where as for this semester I go straight from the one class to the next on Monday and on Wednesday I get to go home after class, unless I have to do something on campus for my special education class (I know there is an extra out of class thing that I have to do, but not sure what yet).Swimming
Since Josiah has been done swimming with his instructor he has been down to only going once a week with us. Josiah has been doing better with less swimming this time then last time we were unable to swim as much, but I can still tell the difference. I got a cover for my phone, so I am able to take underwater pictures and videos. I have so far only taken video's as I can not get the button to push for taking pictures under water. I looked up on how to resolve this problem and have downloaded a camera that has a timer option onto my phone. I am super happy they have wonderful lighting at the place we swim. I was hoping to get back into three days a week swimming with LM this week, but his teething has caused some issues again and so we have to wait until his loose stools clears up before getting in the pool again. We are hoping that since both top 2 year molars are in and one bottom has fully broke the skin and the other just broke the skin that by the time LM will be swimming with Michael again that we will not be dealing with crabby teething toddler with chances of not being able to swim due to loose stools.
I was shared two different tests from an aspie friend that said based on diagnoses requirements I am considered an aspie. Then I got a copy of a test from someone that said it was the test most psychologists give to adults to see if the have aspergers which again told me I did. I have had thoughts about it as I learned more about stuff with LM that might be on the spectrum as well.
LM's Over All Health
Just like last year and the year before the month of December seems to be more about getting health issues figured out then just enjoying Christmas. Luckily this year I have the tree up and lights up as of the past Saturday so we won't have a repeat of last min throwing lights up a week before Christmas(was about to not put anything up). Dec 11th LM goes in for his initial visit to the sleep clinic and hopefully will get an apt for a sleep study, so we can rule out any health reasons as to why he keeps waking up at night. I am cool with dealing with him waking at night if there is no health reason as to why he is doing it and want to get a health reason resolved if that is why he is waking at night all the time. The 18th of Dec. a week after the initial visit we have to cancel our chiropractor visit and go into the hospital to do a scope. This is to rule out any GI issues as to why LM will not gain weight. His therapy was unable to get a go ahead to feed him gluten so they will take his temp first thing, Jason will give him gluten and then they will take his temp after his two hour therapy is done. We are two weeks from scope this Wed so hoping that will be enough to show something since we have been waiting on permission to go ahead with it. Praying he does not have any bad reactions to the gluten and praying that we safely get through the scope procedure as he will be sedated for it. He can only have clear fluids starting at midnight and can no longer have fluids after 5:30 A. Wish us luck/pray for us on this one as he wakes up several times at tight to nurse.
Guest Bloggers
I have asked several people to guest blog on the blog, so in the future there might be some posts by a few guests. As no one has a deadline as to when to get it done and I have given them all the option to be anonymous, use name, or a nickname of their choice I can not give much information other then a couple of people are thinking about it and have few others interested in it.
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